Staying Safe during COVID-19

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Staying Safe during


We know it is not easy, but we also know that it is more important now than ever.

It was the first responders, the front line medical workers and all of the many essential personnel who went to work everyday to ensure that the country continued to operate . We salute all of them and have tremendous gratitude for their commitment and dedication to humankind. For many, the beginning of the pandemic meant that we stayed in the comfort of our homes. We limited travel and our interactions with others, many of those whom we love dearly, until we were able to begin sorting out the madness and develop a plan of action. The construction industry never stopped during this time. We were allowed to continue operations as an essential business practice and we were categorized as essential workers.

We have all made significant changes to our normal business operations in order to protect our families, our team and our clients to the best of our ability. Last Spring we limited our construction projects to new construction work only and projects on existing homes in which no one was habitating during construction. We limited the number of crews on any one project simultaneously and ran our trades through the interior of projects one at a time. We increased sanitation on our projects and porta-johns, made face masks and hand sanitizer available and encouraged social distancing during lunch breaks. Meetings were held outdoors following social distancing practices. The supply chain for both materials and labor was severely impacted as a direct result of the Covid-19 virus and costs for supplies increased.

Here we are over one year later and the pandemic is still among us posing its same serious threat. Heritage Enterprises, Inc remains committed to our safety practices during this time. While we have modified our original program, such as we now conduct indoor meetings and are scheduling work in habitated homes, we remain vigilant and dedicated to creating the safest environment possible that still allows our projects to move forward. We are thankful for our clients who have patiently waited for their projects to begin with us as we navigated the uncertainty and we look forward to a new day when the project landscape becomes a bit more predictable. Until then, we invite you to join us by wearing your mask, washing your hands and practicing social distancing.


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